Meeting Agenda 8-31-21
1. Call to Order/Welcome and Introductions:
a. Approval of Agenda
b. Thought - Sue Ann
2. Reading and approval of the minutes - (none this meeting)
3. Report of the Treasurer - Lesa Eckstrom
a. Vote on budget for 2022-23 year
b. Membership for 2022-23 year
i. Continual recruitment ideas:
4. Report on Fundraiser/School Swag Store - Maren Baumgartener
5. Beginning of the School Year Report/Highlights - Principal Cynthia Smith
6. Reflections Committee/Chair Needed:
a. Deadlines - October 1 School?, November 1 Council?, December 1 Region
7. School Needs
a. Parent Teacher Conference teacher meals:
i. Dates:
b. Update the PTSA link on the MOJH Website
c. Teacher Appreciation Week
d. Red Ribbon Week
e. Student PTSA involvement
f. Other needs?
8. Announcements/Calendaring:
a. Next PTSA Meeting - September 28th at 1 pm
9. Adjournment